Wednesday, March 11, 2009

UUFE Sermon 3-8-2009 "You Cannot Be Serious!"

"You Cannot Be Serious!" God's nature is inclusive, and we, as co-creators of God, have a responsibility to live that nature out in community; yet we distort that with our prejudices and fears. Rev. Cubbage is pastor of the first "Welcoming" church community in Elkhart. She joined us in our service following the shootings at the Knoxville UU church and participated in Rev. Amy's installation. We are very pleased and fortunate to have her with us.

UUFE Sermon 3-1-2009 "When Bad Things Happen to Good People"

Beth Lefever

Sunday, March 1, 2009

UUFE Sermon 02-22-09 "Loving and Losing Love"

"Loving and Losing Love" The theologian C.S. Lewis once asked: "Why love if losing hurts so much?" Love is not easy, it is a risk that we have to take again and again. Our sermon this morning will explore the meaning of finding love, losing love, and risking love again. Lucas Hergert, our preacher this morning, is in his final year at Harvard Divinity School. He serves as the Intern Minister at the First Parish in Needham, Massachusetts.

UUFE Sermon 1-25-09

Three of our members share their UUFE stories.