Saturday, February 2, 2013

UUFE Sermon 12-23-2012 "Festivus for the Rest of Us"

"Festivus for the Rest of Us" Festivus is a made-up holiday from the Jerry Seinfeld TV Show which has become an actual holiday for many people. What Rev. Amy gleans from this is that humans find meaning in many places, many ways. Come for "The Airing of the Grievances" and other Festivus traditions.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

UUFE Sermon 12-9-2012 - "Lighting the Hanukkah Candles"

"Lighting the Hanukkah Candles" On this first day of Hanukkah, contemplate with us the miracles and lessons of this Jewish season.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

UUFE Sermon 11-25-2012 The End of The World

"The End of the World" The Mayan calendar predicted the world’s end for December 2012. How would you live your life differently if this were real? Rev. Amy, who does not believe this prediction, will be preaching. Bring your thoughts, fears, hopes, and let’s have a rousing discussion afterward.